About Me

From Bristol to Heidelberg, and now London, CRL (Carlito) brings a global perspective to his music, blending cultures and sounds into an irresistible sonic tapestry.

Embark on a journey with CRL, a rising star in the realm of music production. With a passion ignited just two years ago, CRL has swiftly carved a path towards greatness.

Fuelled by creativity and a relentless drive, CRL’s beats are more than just sounds—they’re experiences waiting to be felt. Each track is a testament to dedication and innovation, blending cutting-edge production techniques with a unique flair that captivates audiences.

From hypnotic melodies to hard-hitting rhythms, CRL’s repertoire spans genres, promising an adventure that resonates with listeners worldwide. Join the movement and witness the evolution of a future icon making his way through the Music Industry.


Good For Me

BPM: 124

KEY: D#m





“Music isn’t just a sound; it’s the rhythm of life itself, the heartbeat of our existence.”